
2008-09-22 11:09 pm

Yesterday's storehouse was designed for storage density, narrow aisles, high floor loads, and excellent space utilization. The warehouse of today and tomorrow is designed for velocity. It requires more space to spot trailers, more doors per acre of floor, and more trucks per dock door. To accommodate ever-increasing velocity, your warehouse may need a yard tractor to remove trailers when the work is completed and replace them with the trailers needed for the next job. Another growing need for the future will be the requirement to find and identify urgently needed items that may be in the middle of a trailer in your yard. Just as air couriers can find your package in a matter of seconds through electronic control, a growing number of warehouse managers will be able to find and expedite given boxes which are urgently needed to fill a customer order.

Yesterday's warehouse used skylights to enjoy the economy and attractiveness of natural light. In designing for tomorrow's round the clock operation, we bear in mind that it is dark 50% of the time. Therefore high quality in artificial illumination is more important than skylights. That illumination must be not only efficient but also moveable. Lights that were directly over the aisles yesterday may be in the wrong place when the warehouse is re-arranged tomorrow. By mounting all lights on a long pigtailed cord, illumination can be readjusted as aisle locations change.

回答 (2)

2008-09-23 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
First paragraph :
The designed between yesterday and today.
Yesterday's storehouse wasdesigned for storage density; today's storehouse is designed for velocity.
Velocity becomes more important.

Second paragraph:
The illumination between yesterday and today.
Yesterday used skylights; today use lights.
illumination should be utilized more efficiently.
參考: me
2008-09-22 11:50 pm
I don't no

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