輸打羸要 - don't you think so

2008-09-22 8:54 pm
i am not familar with bond investment, but what i know is those' victims' are
are selfish and foolish, they always ask for govenment help to give them all the captial, i don't think it's good to do so, just like you gamble manchester united vs hong kong, the former stand high chance to win, but it loses, who can you blame for? just your greedy mindset, always said those bank agent mislead you by saying without risk, hey use your head, if so , everyone don't have to work , there is no free lunch.

yes but it's hard to tell investment from gambling sometimes, low risk doesn't mean no risk, you can't blame any one, misleading?? use their head , as i said , everyone don't have to work.


just Brazil vs Hongkong, well you can bet on brazil to get minium income, but once they lose, you said it's so horrible , please give me back my captial, that's bulsht


if you can prove the company deceive money illegally, then they are miserable, if their bussiness just loses, who else can you blame for? what bussiness can you gurauntee to make money without losing ? you tell me


losing money must make it 'fraud ', come on business loses sometimes there is no free lunch in the world

回答 (2)

2008-09-23 4:57 pm
The financial products being launched by banks and financial institutions should be governed by rules and regulations, which is the primary duty of the Government. The outlook of the 'mini-bonds' is a debenture, which is obviously as a layman, should be of low risk. The presentation as purported by one of the victims is that they are safe enough and therefore victims flocked in. Therefore, the questions are as follows:
1. derivative products which risks are not carefully explained but presented as a 'mini-bond' is itself misrepresented in the legal context ;
2. The Government officials need to examine whether they allow the use of 'bond' in the selling of these products which in fact is a derivative product; and
3. Even after the fall of Bear Sterns, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority still approved the launch of such derivative products in April 2008 which still described them as 'bonds'. Obviously, the issuer knew the credit risk, their own financial position before they launch the products at that time. In my opinion, this is a 'fraud'.
2008-09-22 11:40 pm
i don't agree with you. As you can see, they are not greedy, the return of the mini bonds are only a bit higher than fixed deposit. Actually. banks sales misled them.

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