
2008-09-22 8:42 pm
本人打算10月中到澳洲讀大學,學校已send 左offer letter 收我,而家只係等簽證批。在8月19號,本人已經去左body check ,但係等到而家9月22號間agent 話仲未批visa。
其實係9月頭已經係信用卡扣左我visa錢,我好擔心係咪唔批簽證呢?定係間agent 係呃錢呢?因為果間野係好細間,而且唔多出名,係我親戚介紹的。簽證唔係等2-3個禮拜就得咩,我等左成個月la~

我係去讀dipolma first,申請緊e visa , 我上過你pose既website ,要求拎TRN,不過佢send e-mail俾我話要等within 2 working day, anyway thx (tim8211),令我冇咁擔心。

回答 (1)

2008-09-22 10:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hey , dont worry !!!
oh yea, do you know ur visa info. ? i can not remember the exact word !!! just like you should have a User name ( maybe called TRN ) and Password ( ur passport no. )!!! then you can check ur status from the australian immi. website!!!!

have a look this link !!!


good luck , if can not read that page!! then try this


then look for

Check the progress of an application
Check the progress of your application
Note: You will need to use your Transaction Reference Number (TRN)

finally, for my case, i usually got my visa within 3 days ( i lodged 4 times in total ) after i had done my Body checked , howevery , last time la, i lodged my visa during chinese new year in HK , then it took more than 2 week ( like around 3 weeks ) to get my visa !!!

anyway , just wait for a while la , but i am pretty sure that you can get ur visa within a month !! but i have to ask you that when does ur University start ??
usually , in Australia, university starts either from July or Feb...........

anyway , again , check ur status urself la..............
oh yea , and did you apply E-visa or form that one ???

2008-09-24 18:46:26 補充:
welcome !

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