what is ”population” and ”sample” in statistics ?

2008-09-22 8:13 pm
please expain .. in statistics terminology

1. what is the meaning of population

2.what is the meaning of sample


回答 (2)

2008-09-22 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A population is a group of phenomena that have something in common. The term often refers to a group of people, as in the following examples:

All registered voters in Crawford County
All members of the International Machinists Union
All Americans who played golf at least once in the past year

But populations can refer to things as well as people:

All widgets produced last Tuesday by the Acme Widget Company
All daily maximum temperatures in July for major U.S. cities
All basal ganglia cells from a particular rhesus monkey

Often, researchers want to know things about populations but don't have data for every person or thing in the population. If a company's customer service division wanted to learn whether its customers were satisfied, it would not be practical (or perhaps even possible) to contact every individual who purchased a product. Instead, the company might select a sample of the population. A sample is a smaller group of members of a population selected to represent the population. In order to use statistics to learn things about the population, the sample must be random. A random sample is one in which every member of a population has an equal chance to be selected.

A parameter is a characteristic of a population. A statistic is a characteristic of a sample. Inferential statistics enables you to make an educated guess about a population parameter based on a statistic computed from a sample randomly drawn from that population.

簡單黎講, population 係大數目(eg. 大於100 個數據) 既統計數據, 由population 反應既數據通常都under normal distribution.

sample 係細數目既統計數據 (eg. 小於10個data). 反應既數據唔會係一個靚既normal distribution curve. 如果用normal distribution 去estimate sample 既data, 就唔會太準~ 所以sample statistics 會有另外既formula.
2008-09-24 1:42 am
有個叫商業英語文憑既課程,係比進修用, 讀完之後可以去考英文國際認可試TOEIC,TOEIC係一個工作必備的英文能力國際基準試....中銀,國泰,匯豐各大企業都會參考這個分數,認受性好高,TOEIC試係世界500強公司(可口可樂,迪士尼...)用作招聘人才的普遍標準so香港大部分大公司都會叫D員工去考TOEIC試,教學方針比較著重實用,唔再係教以前中學學既野同上課模式,同埋d上堂氣氛很好,同埋唔會太悶,太過死板lor.有人讀完之後加左2000蚊人工 話晒佢都有張文憑o係手wor 而家在唔進修 遲早都比人踢出局 到時先後悔就太遲la 都唔明而家d香港人d英文屎到咩咁..都唔去進修吓
如果有興趣既可以去聽下個顧問講解 有興趣就打比我啦 93598262

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