high school christian...help here please! ....?

2008-09-21 8:57 pm
how can i stay a Christian and be a positive influence to my friends
in High school....and still be popular and make a difference for christ without people being like "wow she's crazy to believe that.."

回答 (21)

2008-09-21 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wow, I do believe that's the first time I've ever heard, "...and still be popular and make a difference for Christ.."

You aren't ever going to convince everyone, dear. Especially if you're in high school. Not a lot of kids care about religion in high school. Here's your answer: you do it be remaining yourself! If YOU are positive, and open, and have a love for Jesus, well that's going to show. So when people see you are happy and giving all the time, they'll want to know why. That's when you can talk about your religion, and what it's done for you.

How to avoid the, "wow she's crazy" bit:
DON'T BE CRAZY ABOUT IT. Don't constantly talk about Jesus. Don't tell people they're going to hell for sneezing. DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE. Whenever someone asks you a question, don't let every answer have something to do with Jesus or God. Whenever people are ready to talk to you about their religion they'll make it known.

And lastly: don't be on a mission to turn people christian. Be on a mission to love a little more, laugh a lot, and spread joy everywhere you go. Life's short, baby! ;)
2008-09-21 9:04 pm
Be a beacon,

and not a loudspeaker...
參考: IMHO
2008-09-21 9:02 pm
Just show them by the example of how you live your life. God Bless...
2008-09-21 9:01 pm
easy... leave them to their own beliefs... if you try to change people, they'll only hate you. Accept them for who ther are.
2008-09-21 9:03 pm
what do you mean by be a positive influence to your friends? convert them?

and be your self, people have much more respect for someone who is just themselves, be proud of who you are and what you believe...

and did you steal my name? lol my names rebekah f
參考: atheist peace
2008-09-21 9:03 pm
Don't worry about being popular.
2008-09-21 9:02 pm
course 1st poster everyone thinks their being discriminaated against
and anyway what is popular, we just have our own groups of mates, and if you really truly beleived, you wouldn't care what other people think about you
2008-09-21 9:02 pm
You need to not care about what others think about you, and as long as you don't force your beliefs on others you should be fine.
2008-09-21 9:02 pm
What is more important for you?

Being popular, or believing God?

Jesus said, following Him won't make you loved by this world.
2008-09-21 9:05 pm
i can relate. in high school the girls are either pregnant or lesbians...just live your life right and don't worry so much about converting everyone. As for your close friends don't give in to them and just stay strong in your beliefs.
2016-11-04 9:25 am
each thing has this is united statesand downs. In middle college, issues have been purely much less stressful. you will possibly be as immature as u desire and could need an excuse for it. despite if, I could desire to agree that top college is lots extra relaxing. u learn new issues and characteristic extra duty yet human beings start to take u extra heavily. And u make various new friends. my first 12 months of highschool to date is astounding. too undesirable there is various homework ( :
2008-09-21 9:19 pm
sadly u will be discriminated against but u just have to make sure that u feel bad for the kids who say u are crazy for believing wat u believe and it will be really hard but just tell anyone who trys to make fun that it dosn't bother u you know wat u believe and your not goin to FORCE it on anyone but only suggest it.
2008-09-21 9:12 pm
Be true to God, and to yourself.

Trust and Obey God at all times.

Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

參考: King James Bible
2008-09-21 9:07 pm
Well, I am not a High School kid, but I remember being very unpopular. It had less to do with God and more to do with myself. But, I would tell you it is more important to be approved of God over man. This never changes in life. I am popular at work because I do not seek the approval of others. To borrow from various anime shows "I am who I am." You will be much happier in life when you let it go.
2008-09-21 9:06 pm
Popularity is not all it's cracked up to be. My sister was highly popular in high school, and now she can't form a proper relationship. I was rejected and ridiculed in high school, and had very few friends, but now I've got good, stable, sturdy relationships and close friends I can count on.

What you should focus on is living your beliefs. If you're living a good life, you're more likely to form closer friendships, and you won't be disappointed with yourself down the road.
2008-09-21 9:06 pm
Yes of course you can! Be a good example to people.
2008-09-21 9:01 pm
You should stop caring about people's negative opinions, if they chose to think "Wow, they're crazy".. then ignore it. You WILL be rejected and you will also be respected by others at the same time.

2008-09-21 9:06 pm
you sound like a preppy, preachy, *****!
2008-09-21 9:05 pm
A Christian is Not embarrassed of Christ.
參考: "I tell you, whoever acknowledges Me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns Me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." Luke 12:8-9
2008-09-21 9:05 pm
A person can't be popular and want the worlds attention and follow God.

The two are opposed to each other.

A person has to follow God or the popularity of the World.
2008-09-21 9:04 pm
thats a tough one when the majority of the world is dark when you are the light.

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