F.5 Maths(2)

2008-09-22 7:32 am
Please answer the following questions and please don't use some stupid methods to do them. Thanks a lot!

A(-4,0) and B(8,0) are two points on the x-axis. A straight line L passes through A and with a slope of 1. C is a point on L such that CO=CB. If the equation L is x-y+4=0, find

(a)the coordinates of C
(b)the equation of the circle passing through O, B and C
(c)the area of the circle correct to 3 sig fig

回答 (4)

2008-09-22 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is as follows:

2008-09-23 6:13 am
如果你要絕筆 ,你真係令我太失望........(絕不是諷刺) 喺現實ge社會裏,如果人唔互相依賴,試問誰又能夠在這個弱肉強食ge社會入面掙扎求存呢?你應該比我更加清楚ga~雖然我真係覺得你有d多事,但唔代表我憎你,要你絕跡。大家上嚟都係為咗求知識而唔係求氣,我絕唔希望因為呢d雞毛蒜皮ge事而傷大家和氣。最後一句,我真係希望你唔好再抱著'人地唔細心思考'ge心態,與其令自己和別人難受,倒不如大家互相幫手回答知識,對嗎?(如有失敬之處,請見諒!)
2008-09-22 2:07 pm
If you want to know why HK was annoyed, reread your question:

...don't use some stupid methods...

How do you feel if you want to help someone?
2008-09-22 7:36 am
I simply directly copy from your homework or exam paper. Is that right???
You can try to find the answer from your textbook. I think that you have NOT try your best before raising a question in 知識+. There is no free lunch at all!!!!

2008-09-22 14:00:02 補充:
參考: Myself

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