
2008-09-22 4:34 am
我想問下以下noun phrase 既中文同英文解釋:::

1) take credit for

2) fun-loving


回答 (3)

2008-09-22 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
i donno hwo to explain ...

i give u example ...

today at work .. u try to sell a printer to a customer .. but u had to walk away to help another customer. . .. then the first cusomter bought the prinet.. but the manager went to say "good job" to another worker NOT you .. ...

hence the other employee "take credit" from you or "take credit for" the sale

B) it just means an object or anything .. that is fun and pleasant ... the loving in the end .. tries to eemphasize the meaning .. but its very redudant .. "多如"
參考: myself ( 12yo boy fr.hongkong lived in australia for 16 years)
2008-09-22 4:52 am
1) 佔領信用為了

2) 開玩笑-鍾愛的
參考: me
2008-09-22 4:48 am
1) take credit for-----------------to begin to feel happier and more confident because of sth 中: 把某事的功勞歸於自己

2) fun-loving--------------------liking to enjoy themselves 中: 喜歡玩樂的 (of people)
參考: 字典

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