
2008-09-22 4:27 am
All proceeds from sales for the ballet Spartacus, in a one-off performance today at the Cultural Centre by the Bolshoi Theatre, will be donated to the Academy for performing Vrts.

The donation by Basic Element, a Russian investment company sponsoring this event, will probably top US$40,000, a company official said.

The company said the aim of the gift was to foster talented young Hongkonger dancers in the hope of promoting cultural exchanges.

Spokesman Konstantin Panin said:" We are committed to the promotion of cultural links between Russia and Hong Kong. Spartacus is a true Russian ballet classic, and we proudly sponsor this event so that the Hong Kong people can have an excellent opportunity to see this ballet.

"We hope that rising Hong Kong ballet talent can than perform in Russia some day."

The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow was founded in1776 and hosts a theatre group whose repertoire includes a number of classic productions, counting Spartacus, which is based on a slave uprising in ancient Rome. Composed by Aram Khachaturian in 1954, the ballet was notably interpreted by Yuri Grigorovich, the artistic director between 1964 and 1995.

Lead soloist Ivan Vasiliev, 19, said:" I am extremely honoured to be playing this demanding and yet fantastic role."

Theatre spokesman Katerina Novikova said:" We are very fortunate to have Basic Element sponsoring this event in Hong Kong."

All seats have been sold out.

回答 (2)

2008-09-22 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
全部收入從銷售額為了這芭蕾舞斯巴達克斯黨, 在一流的-離開表演今天在這教養中心以這Bolshoi劇場, 將是捐贈到這學會為了履行的Vrts.



發言人Konstantin Panin說:" 我們被委託提升的文化的鏈接之間俄羅斯和香港. 斯巴達克斯黨是一確實俄語芭蕾舞最優秀, 和我們誇燿地提案人這事件因此這香港人們能有一太棒機會下同樣賭注這芭蕾舞.


這Bolshoi劇場在莫斯科是發現在1776和網路主機一戲劇小組誰的戲曲節目包括若干最優秀生產, 計算斯巴達克斯黨, 即是依據一奴隸起義在舊羅馬. 設計附近阿拉姆Khachaturian在1954,芭蕾舞顯著地被Yuri Grigorovich解釋,藝術的之間第3959.

領導獨奏者蘇俄人Vasiliev,19,說:" 我極端地被尊敬是玩這需要然而幻想的角色."

劇場發言人凱特莉娜Novikova說:" 我們是非常幸運的有基本構成部分發起這事件在香港."

參考: ME
2008-09-26 4:42 am
所有收益從銷售為芭蕾Spartacus, 在唯一表現今天在文化中心由Bolshoi 劇院, 將捐贈對學院為執行的Vrts 。

捐贈由Basic Element, 俄國投資公司主辦這次事件, 大概將冠上US$40,000, 公司官員說。

公司說禮物的目標將孵育有天才的年輕Hongkonger 舞蹈家希望促進文化交流。
發言人Konstantin Panin 說: " 我們做對文化鏈接的促進在俄國和香港之間。Spartacus 是真實的俄國芭蕾經典之作, 並且我們驕傲地主辦這次事件以便香港人能有一個優秀機會看這芭蕾。

"我們希望, 上升的香港芭蕾天分罐頭比執行在俄國某一天。"

Bolshoi 劇院在莫斯科是建立的in1776 和主持保留節目包括一定數量的經典生產的劇院小組, 計數Spartacus, 根據奴隸起義在古老羅馬。1954 年由Aram Khachaturian 組成, 芭蕾由Yuri Grigorovich, 藝術性的主任著名地解釋了在1964 年和1995 年之間。

帶領獨奏者Ivan Vasiliev, 19, 說: " 我極端被尊敬充當這個demanding 仍然意想不到角色。"

劇院發言人Katerina Novikova 說: " 我們是非常幸運的有基本的元素主辦這次事件在香港。"


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