中文 翻譯做英文

2008-09-21 10:45 pm
1. 一旦決定了,就沒有後悔的餘地,也不淮自己後悔
2. 我知道做什麼事情都要堅持....永不放棄...

將中文 change into english

回答 (4)

2008-09-22 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 一旦決定了,就沒有後悔的餘地,也不淮自己後悔 = There are no spaces for regretful once decision is made, and you shouldn't feel sorry about it.
2. 我知道做什麼事情都要堅持....永不放棄... = I know I have to insist for whatever I am doing... and never give-up.
參考: self
2008-09-22 5:11 am
1. Once decision is made, there is no way to regret, at the same time, not allow myself to regret.
2. I know to do anything must keep up... never give up....
參考: self
2008-09-22 1:11 am
1. Once a decision, there will be no room for regret or remorse himself Huai.

2. I know that we must persist in doing .... never give up ...
參考: 字典
2008-09-21 10:52 pm
1.Once has decided that does not have the regret leeway, also Huai did not regret.

2.I knew that handles any matter to insist....Never gives up...

參考: me!!

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