how hk can be the Internetion financial center?

2008-09-21 8:22 pm
give some main point thx

回答 (1)

2008-09-24 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(( 註: 實際上香港不完全是國際金融中心. 香港只是在國際金融上有地位. 但在金融產品的闊度和深度都有所不足. 不要被某些人仕和大香港主義所蒙蔽.))
how hk can be the Internetion financial center?
- no restrictions on fund and currency flow in and out of Hong Kong
- low tax that reduces transactions costs
- freedom in news
- good time zone that sits between New York and London
- local people is generally rich comparing to other countries, also local people is willing to pool money in financial market
- common law and also good legal system that makes international investors feel comfortable
- an efficient financial market
- close to China and China also use Hong Kong as its financial center
- good financial education to students
- Hong Kong has a long history in financial business
- Hong Kong people can speak English and Chinese
- Hong Kong is open for foreigners to work in Hong Kong
to make Hong Kong to be the international financial center
- improve education
- invite more international financial institutions to run business in Hong Kong
- widen the depth and width of financial products in Hong Kong
- reform HKSE to make it more efficient
- further lower the transaction costs in Hong Kong

2008-09-24 09:27:33 補充:
- develop Islamic financial products and at the same time improve the infrastructure for Islamic people living in Hong Kong

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:11:54
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