
2008-09-21 10:55 am

回答 (7)

2008-09-21 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.carry on/keep going your good work (繼續俾心機)
2.Don't give up (不要放棄)

1.Go for it (向某件事而努力)←順境時適用
2.Hand in there (要堅持,不要放棄)←逆境時適用
參考: my English skills
2008-09-25 9:32 am
1. Work-hard continuously,
2. Never give up,
3. Come on and keep going,
4. strengthen yourself
5. reinforce your ability
參考: self
2008-09-23 2:09 am
Try your very best~

Be that best that you can be~

You can do it!
2008-09-22 7:50 pm
Pump yourself up.
參考: Own, in textile/dyeing business
2008-09-21 6:46 pm
Keep on going!

2008-09-21 10:47:02 補充:
Keep it on!
2008-09-21 11:02 am
do/try/be your best
參考: 中學陸運會記憶
2008-09-21 11:00 am
係 keep it up! (繼續努力)

或者 keep it going! (繼續下去吧!)

唔係add oil ar =)
參考: me

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