What is the right attitudes towards animals?

2008-09-21 7:57 am
What is the right attitudes towards animals?
要英文,,急求 thx

回答 (3)

2008-09-21 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Love, patience and care are the most important attitudes towards the animals.
2008-09-21 10:02 am

你好! 你的英文已經好好, 但你的中文解釋的確更加精彩! 而且, 仲很有見地 ada_ip2005, 你有無同感呢?

我原本都想試答, 但係見到你的答案, 我都打消了這個念頭。

2008-09-21 8:16 am
Although human being is the highest class of animal, we should respect the
nature including animals. We should love them and protect them.

However, this raises another question. That is, should we respect ALL kinds
of animal? As we know, there are many harmful insects in this world such as
cockroach(蟑螂),mosquito(蚊子) ,fly(蒼蠅),etc. They spread
bacterias and diseases. These kind of animal should be eliminated.

2008-09-21 00:28:31 補充:

2008-09-21 01:04:28 補充:
Anyway, I try my best to further explain my point of view.

2008-09-21 01:05:14 補充:
To be honest, this topic may involves lot of things which can be extremely controversial.
Why? As I mentioned before, harmful animals should NOT be respected and should be
eliminated. But how to define "harmful" animal?

2008-09-21 01:06:06 補充:
Is it reasonable to define this term just from point of view of we human being?
There may be some animals which are harmful to human being but NOT harmful for the
nature. We should bear in mind that the greatest destroyer to the nature is human being!

2008-09-21 01:06:47 補充:
The biggest contributor for the wide spread of those harmful animals (such as cockroach, mosquito) is human being! Human being creates most rubbish which favor the growth of
these animals.

2008-09-21 01:07:08 補充:
However, human being continues to adopt such wrong style of living. This implies that they are
adopting a wrong attitude towards themselves and the nature. Under such circumstance, how can they adopt a right attitude towards animal?

2008-09-21 01:07:25 補充:
If we continue to ignore the importance of environmental protection, then all those benificial animals will become extinct. Our planet will be governed by cockroach, bacteria, diseases or rat!

2008-09-21 01:07:44 補充:
So, the heart of the problem is NOT to find out any correct attitude towards animal.
Instead, we human being should firstly adopt a correct attitude towards the nature,
environmental protection, our style of living and our way of development.

2008-09-21 01:08:01 補充:
As long as we have achieved such goals, we will be able to do more goods than harms for ALL
animals in our planet.

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