點樣玩唔到單機版call of duty 4

2008-09-21 5:48 am
佢話It appears that Call of Duty 4 :Modem Warfare did not quit properly
the last time it run
Do you want to run the gime in safe made?
This recommmend for most people it will changer your system
settings but not your controls

回答 (1)

2008-09-29 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
即係話你上次玩嘅時後無正確咁離開個game,你要禁quit 先可以正確咁離開個game,果句''Do you want to run the gime in safe made?This recommmend for most people it will changer your system
settings but not your controls''係話佢''屁''如會改變你嘅解像度由1024x768到800x600但係唔會改變你控制方式
參考: 我都係玩COD4 ga

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