
2008-09-21 3:31 am
what is the similarities and different of map and plan?

回答 (3)

2008-09-21 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. They both show us the way from the start to the end.
2. There are always more than one way to go to the target in both map and plan.
3. They are in paper format.

1. Map shows us the way to a location while plan shows us the way to complete a task.
2. Map uses graphics while plan uses texts.
3. Map does not have a time frame while plan always has a target time to complete a task.

* As you have not told us which subject this question falls into, I can only give a general comment on it.
2009-09-30 3:56 am
I think there are more difference bewteen them.such as
Area covered : map : larger
plan: smaller
2008-09-21 7:45 pm
AGREE with 'bullet_train'
too general in terms of MAP vs PLAN
you need to qualify with something like ROAD MAP, WORLD MAP, STREET PLAN, FLOOR PLAN ....

FLOOR PLAN is totally different from STREET PLAN or ROAD MAP

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