oral presentation

2008-09-21 2:07 am
我要用英文present Andy Lau 既
-- setback and secrets to overcome difficulties met,
-- famous quote
-- PLEASE give me source of infomrmation


我要既唔係li d 係setback and secrets to overcome difficulties met


in point form 都可以

回答 (1)

2008-09-21 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
我唸PLEASE give me source of information好作d(唔係PLEASE give me source of infomrmation)

Andy Lau has since appeared in more than 100 films and 300 mini series with Hong Kong's TVB channel, and has a huge fan base throughout Asia with the success of both his onscreen performance and his musical career. Andy Lau is best known for his (often) recurring roles as a "Heroic Gangster."
Though a respectable actor, Lau in the early days was known more for his good looks, though he has answered his detractors since the turn of the century with a series of critically acclaimed movies, especially those directed by Johnnie To. His first major acting prizes came with A Fighter's Blues and Running Out of Time in 2000. With Running Out of Time, he won his very first Hong Kong Film Award ("aka" Golden Statue Award) for Best Actor. In 2004, he won the prestigious Golden Horse Award for his performance in Infernal Affairs 3, the sequel to the popular Infernal Affairs. Western audiences may also be familiar with his performance in the House of Flying Daggers.
Andy Lau was awarded "No.1 Box Office Actor 1985-2005" of Hong Kong, yielding a total box office of HKD 1,733,275,816 for shooting 108 films in the past 20 years. It is compared to the first runner-up Stephen Chow and second runner-up Jackie Chan "I've never imagined that would be as much as 1.7 billion!" he told the reporters.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 01:29:40
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