mechanics physics

2008-09-20 10:21 pm
A car needs more power to climb an inclined plane?

WHY? explain in detail


回答 (1)

2008-09-22 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
i m not sure~
i think because the displacement of the car has increase, so it goes higher.Then the potential energy of the car increase because of the equation 'mgh'.If the velocity of the car doesn't change, or no any acceleration , the force i t need should be the same. If the velocity haven't change, the total mechanical energy should be kinetic energy (KE) + potential energy(PE), PE increase and KE do not change, so the total ME increase. But , you asked is 'energy' not 'force', it's different , because Power = energy transferred / time taken ,or = work done / time taken ,or = force x velocity.

[Do not copy all, please read it, and i am not so sure)
參考: Myself

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