In July 2008, the Chief Executive Mr Donald Tsang visited

2008-09-20 7:33 pm
In July 2008, the Chief Executive Mr Donald Tsang visited elderly who are living alone. Where do the elderly live?*


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2008-09-23 6:50 pm
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According to a Singtao news report dated July 12 found in Yahoo News, the Chief Executive visited two old men living alone in Shatin:走訪獨居長者 12天內兩落區7月12日 星期六 05:30(星島日報 報道)通脹高企,政府民望大跌,行政長官 曾蔭權 十二日內第二次到社區巡視,昨日下午到 沙田沙角邨 探訪兩名獨居長者,再到附近一所長者中心參觀中心的運作並與長者交談,有長者要求煲呔增加生果金;煲呔其後承認生果金制度有漏洞,表示年底會有定案,並強調政府對長者的投放一定不會減少。

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