
2008-09-20 9:03 am
This newspaper article is talking about the tainted milk in China . Inside the article , it point out New Zealand Dairy Company Fonterra was already know that the milk products was tainted , before the incident issues for one month ago . Moreover , it has a customer complanited about the baby falling sick after drinking the milk in March . It means the company should became conscious that the problem in March . Because of that at least one thousand two hundred and fifty babies become sick from the milk .

After reading this newspaper article , i can't believe the state of affairs is so serions , it almost killed a few babies , but it also can issue late for a month long . I don't know waht is hide in behind , i just know how important life is . Babies are a pillar of the future , we must protect and educate them have a good attitude of life , the health of the babies were very important . This news was a shock to me , it make me associate the happen with China's defect of handle crisis . It make me lose confidence of China food's safety too .

回答 (1)

2008-09-20 9:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, 你的英文句子有點怪...有點不明白.我嘗試重寫一次,你看看分別吧!

This newspaper article is talking about the contaminated milk crisis in China. It revealed that New Zealand Diary Company Fonterra had already awared of
the problem one month before the issue was reported. It meaned that, if the
company could announced it earlier in March, less than one thousand two hundred and fifty babies would became sick of taking the milk

After reading this newspaper article, I can't believe that the issue was so
serious at first until it killed few babies due to reporting late for one month. I
don't know what the related parties was hiding, I just know that life is
important. Babies are the pillars of our country, their health should be highly
concerned. We must protect and educate them to be good citizens. The way how the Chinese Government handled this crisis shocked me a lot. Thus, I lost my confidence in the saftey of food content of Chinese products.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 15:47:38
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