USA 入籍問題

2008-09-20 8:49 am
已申請了13年,但未有答覆,沒有拒絕或接受, (在12年前已面試合格,但尚欠一些報稅文件,已書面解釋沒有那一年的報稅文件, 自此以後,所在查詢的答案都是說file在等候中..............), 我想問,除了請律師追問,或到 查之外, 可 否嘗試重新申請号一份?而沒有任何抵觸?

To Grandtom: What is C-600? Thanks.

回答 (3)

2008-09-21 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi, I think USCIS is pending your case, but they are seldom to hold it for a long time. besides the tax document, is there any problem too? If u can find ur case no. in USCIS website, that means they are still have your application, u NO NEED to apply it again, there is no use.
for my opinions ....
1. write a letter to USCIS first. if they didn't reply it, u can write a letter to some media (e.g. NBC, CBS ...etc), they would like to help.
if still cannot .... 2. u need to get a lawyer to help.
hope u can get it done soon. takecare.
參考: living in USA
2008-09-22 6:03 pm
10 years ago you should file another c-600 again la.
why you will keep waitting this long long period....?

short of tax return is important but no way CIS will keep your file this long , special you already past the exam. there must something wrong in your application........

now you should make an appointment by phone to CIS and bring all the old documents and file number to talk with an officer.... who should able to tell you why-------- some problems or lost your file...
2008-09-20 12:12 pm



由於你的申請早已逾期﹐而且明顯係移民局拖你﹐如果你英文好好﹐你可以去法庭入一張 writ of mandamus ﹐用法庭來對付返移民局。


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