
2008-09-20 7:20 am
我剛找到份工係cpa firm做accounting clerk
我其實鐘意做commercial,我想知做e個post 兩年後
我出去找commerical 的accounting clerk, commerical 會唔會覺得我無經驗呢?
cpa firm 做account clerk 係未可以學到全盤數呢?


回答 (2)

2008-09-20 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, the commercial firms will not consider your experience in cpa firm relevant. They will count you 2 years working experience but not relevant experience. General speaking, the accounting of trading firm, factories, hotels etc. are quite different. Say for factories, they use manufacturing accounting with focus on product costing and inventory control. For service companies like hotels and cpa firm, they do not have production. They will focus on labour costing. When you looks at their financial statements and chart of accounts, you will see the big big differences.

Whether you can learn full set of books depends on the size of the company you are working for. If your cpa firm is a small firm, I guess the accounting department may have 2 to 3 staff only. Then your chance to touch with different area of accounting is great. You may be asked to handle A/R, fixed assets, A/P at the same time. If your company is a big one, you may only work in one area only, say A/R. You have to wait for job rotation to deal with new area.

The last, I will recommend you to consider which industry you have confident to the future and you are interested in. As you say you like commercial, then no doubt you should consider a post of commercial firm instead of cpa firm even you may have to wait for another chance.
2008-09-20 7:55 am
我每份一工都做了5年左右, 最近一份做得最長, 6年多了, 而且公司會多番挽留我 tim!
做會計跟其他 post 唔同, 越做得長(以一間公司計), 越是有"市場價值", 切忌是被"炒".
你如果無經驗和年資, 祇要是相關工作, 無論哪一間都ok, 最緊要俾份"心"落去做, 千祈唔好怕蝕抵.
cpa firm 也是量材而用的, 無經驗便派一些簡單既野俾你試做, 就如學徒般, 可以學到 full set 是需要時間和資歷的, 就算考到 LCC- high, 也要配合實務的, 就算 commerical 亦是.
會計, 始終係一份長做長有既 post, 人地搵唔到工, 你都唔駛擔心, 女性尤甚!

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