
2008-09-20 3:59 am
『善學者,師逸而功倍,又從而庸之;不善學者,師勤而功半,又從而怨之。』can anyone help me translate into english....??pls......

回答 (3)

2008-09-20 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
對懂得學習的人, 老師不需多費勁也可以教得出好成績, 而且會懂得感激老師的教導; 對不懂得學習的人, 就算老師多用心多費勁也得不出好成績, 而且也會埋怨老師教得不好。

Those who know how to learn should take the teachers half the works and still be able to get the full results, and will also be grateful to the those who taught them. However, those who don't know to learn will take the teachers twice the effort and still get a slim result, and they will blame the teachers didn't teach them well.
參考: NOT from any non-sense online translators, nor brainless translation machines
2008-09-20 5:25 pm

A student who knows how to study makes the teacher's work easy with double the achievement. He will then honour his teacher.

A student who does know how to study makes the teacher's work hard with half the achievement. He will then blame the teacher.
2008-09-20 4:51 am
'friendly scholar, Shi Yi, but merit time, also, thus commonplace it; Bad scholar, Shi Qin, but merit half, also, thus resentful it.'

Hoped that I can help you

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