
2008-09-20 2:55 am
內容 [ 對唔住, 我暫時聽唔到你電話. 請你講低名、電話.我會盡快覆

返俾你 ] !!! 請問有冇人可以用英文教我講ar ~ thx thx thx

回答 (2)

2008-09-24 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi! This is (your name). I cannot answer your call now. Please leave your name and phone number after the beep. I will return your call shortly. Thank you!
2008-09-24 3:09 am
Hello, this is XXX speaking. I am not availabe now, please leave your name and telephone no. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

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