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首先, 你兩句的例句都是「被動形式」, 即 passive voice, 但係時式就應該轉用 past tense, 因為事情己過去。
Past tense
He was taught by me. 他是由我教導的。
The tree was cut two days ago. 那棵樹兩日前已經被人斬不來。
第一句例句中, by = 解「被/受到」
但係英文跟中文係兩種不同的語言, 亦不可能就每一個字噤去翻譯。
第二句雖然無by字, 但係句中tense的用法已表現到佢係passive voice, 而唔係由某一個字去解「被」。
用法係: auxiliary verb 加上 (main verb用於) past participle
即是 was taught 或者 was cut
Active voice 再加上 Past tense 的用法:
I taught him.
Someone cut the tree two days ago. (因為不知誰人做, 所以只能用someone)
要分辨main verb是否過去分詞, 就要多查字典啦!
要運用Passive voice, 都有禁忌。
1) 在同一句句子中, 切勿同時用Active voice和 Passive voice.
Many customers in the restaurant found the coffee too bitter to drink, but it was ordered frequently.
=> Many customers in the restaurant found the coffee too bitter to drink, but they still ordered it frequently.
應該用"they" (Active voice) 做 subject, 而唔係用 it (Passive voice)。
3) 要注意正確選擇 subject
To save time, the paper was written on a computer. (Passive voice)
=> To save time, Kristin wrote the paper on a computer. (Active voice)
其實,"To save time" 和 "wrote the paper on a computer"都係同一個人(Kristin) 做的, 而唔係paper。所以切勿用錯subject。