想用PSP 做禮物寄去美國 可以嗎~( 急問 ) !!

2008-09-19 11:50 pm
我想寄一部PSP 同埋其他零件去美國 ~
因為係電器唔知得唔得 ~

註 : 我睇過其他知識..
有D又話得..又D又話寫gift 可以..但係收件人會比人收錢...

有咩又平又靚方法可以寄到部PSP 去美國呢><?

希望可以有心人或高手幫忙解答 ~

回答 (2)

2008-09-20 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi, u can send to USA, u are better to use the HK speedpost, cos they are included insurance and it would be more safe.
just write as "gift" and "used portable video game".
I sent my SONY aibo from HK to USA a few years ago, also used this method and bought the extra insurance.
參考: experienced person
2008-09-20 12:22 am
其實一定可以的,因為我公司都寄唔少出去,都係用郵局的ems,dhl ups
fedex,雖然貴dd但比較安全, 而張form填返birthday gift呀,toys呀都ok咖喇,如果响個盒面寫埋happy birthday to xxxxx,9成都冇事,
ps, 但記得包得安全d,最好用花紙包好部psp先再入個packing box,因為有時d運輸手腳唔干淨....

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