Olympic Games Questions(急用)

2008-09-19 10:46 pm
例子:English Answer(中文答案)
1.There have been two generations of the Olympic Games; the first was the Ancient Olympic and the sceond was known as the Modern Olympic Games that were first held in 1896. Which two cities were the Games first held respectively in the two generations?
2.When were women first allowed to join the Olympic as participants?
3.When and in which country was the first modern winter Olympic held?
4.In which year where the Olympic first boycotted in the modern era?
5.Please state two countries which boycotted the Olympic mentioned in Question no.4 .
6.Which event caused the boycott of the Olympic mentioned in Question no.4 .
7.Which Olympic were eleven athletes assassinated by a terrorist group?
8.The Olympic symbol is constructed by five interwined rings. What does that design represent?
9.The five interwined rings with colors,white,red,blue,green,yellow and black, on a white field from the Olympic flag.Why were these five colors chosen?
10.When was the international Olympic Committee (IOC) set up (in year)?
11.Who is the current president of the International Olympic Committee?
12.Which country is responsible for hosting the Olympic in 2012?

回答 (3)

2008-09-20 6:48 am
2008-09-20 2:40 am
Last question is asking what "country", so the answer should be "United Kingdom", aka England
2008-09-20 12:51 am
london ...唔係lundon..

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 18:36:53
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