
2008-09-19 9:24 pm

老細...係你問我, 我先講的
joery 差不多每日都是10點鐘左右番工, 又成日同d朋友講電話, 有時講電話講大半日, 我地就忙到死, 佢就成日做自己野.
等我地個個收晒工, 佢先開始做野, 表面上留係公司好夜都唔走, 比人感覺好勤力, 其實我最想老細你可以公平一d對我地, 唔好成日信晒joery 一個人講野.

回答 (6)

2008-09-21 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Boss, since you asked, that's why I am telling

Joery comes to the office around 10am almost everyday, and she always talks on the phone with her personal friends, sometimes even last for half a day. While we work our brains off for the company, she is just doing her personal matters and not doing any business work at all.

When business hours is over and everyone gets off work, she THEN starts to do her business work. Seemingly, she works till very late and as well, giving others an impression of what a hard-working employee she is.

I really do wish our boss will treat us fairly and not only just take what Joery says.

2008-09-21 10:14:17 補充:
last line, you can also write like this :
I really do wish our boss will treat us fairly and not just take Joery's words only.
2008-09-24 1:39 am
有個叫商業英語文憑既課程,係比進修用, 讀完之後可以去考英文國際認可試TOEIC,TOEIC係一個工作必備的英文能力國際基準試....中銀,國泰,匯豐各大企業都會參考這個分數,認受性好高,TOEIC試係世界500強公司(可口可樂,迪士尼...)用作招聘人才的普遍標準so香港大部分大公司都會叫D員工去考TOEIC試,教學方針比較著重實用,唔再係教以前中學學既野同上課模式,同埋d上堂氣氛很好,同埋唔會太悶,太過死板lor.有人讀完之後加左2000蚊人工 話晒佢都有張文憑o係手wor 而家在唔進修 遲早都比人踢出局 到時先後悔就太遲la 都唔明而家d香港人d英文屎到咩咁..都唔去進修吓
如果有興趣既可以去聽下個顧問講解 有興趣就打比我啦 93598262
2008-09-21 1:22 am
Boss.. Is you asks me, I first say joery all is almost every day
about 10 o'clock a labor, also speaks the telephone all day long with
the d friend, sometimes speaks the telephone to speak the great half
day, I busily arrive die, 佢 all day long does oneself is wild Waits
for me all to receive exposes to the sun the labor, 佢 first starts
to do wildly, on the surface remains is the company good night all
does not walk, compared to the person felt good diligent, actually I
most thought the boss you may fair d to me, not be good the letter to
expose to the sun a joery person to say wildly all day long
參考: me
2008-09-20 4:35 am
老細...係你問我, 我先講的
joery 差不多每日都是10點鐘左右番工, 又成日同d朋友講電話, 有時講電話講大半日, 我地就忙到死, 佢就成日做自己野.
Boss…Is you asks me, joery which I say first is almost every day about 10 o'clock the labour, also speaks the telephone all day long with the d friend, sometimes speaks the telephone to speak the great half day, I busily arrive die, 佢 all day long makes itself wildly.

等我地個個收晒工, 佢先開始做野, 表面上留係公司好夜都唔走, 比人感覺好勤力, 其實我最想老細你可以公平一d對我地, 唔好成日信晒joery 一個人講野.
Waits for me to receive exposes to the sun the labour, 佢 starts to do first wildly, on the surface remains is the company good night does not walk, feels well compared to the human diligent, actually I most thought that the boss you may fair d to me, not be good the letter to expose to the sun a joery person to say wildly all day long


2008-09-19 20:36:20 補充:
翻譯翻錯左- -"
2008-09-20 12:08 am
Boss, if it is not you asking this question, I will not say a word about this.

For most of the days, Joery comes back to office at 10 a.m. and starts talking with her friends on the phone. For most of the business hours, she talks on the phone and deals with her personal matters while we are busy doing all the company business.

Actually, she leaves her jobs behind and waits until other colleagues are off duty. So you can see her working late at night and this gives you an impression that Joery is very hard-working. I wish you may treat all of us fair and equal and don't believe only what Joery says.
2008-09-19 10:50 pm
Hi boss, since you want me to tell you, here are my comments.

Joery arrives in office at 1000 a.m. almost every day. She has many personal calls. Sometimes she spends a half day on phone calls while the other colleagues are busy.

When all of us leaves office, she starts to work. She wants to show that she is very hardworking but the truth is not.

We want you to listen to our recommendations and comments from time to time. Please do not only believe in what Joery said.

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