”另行通知,稍作安排” 之英文

2008-09-19 6:20 pm
"另行通知,稍作安排" 之英文?

回答 (5)

2008-09-19 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Arrangement will be further advised in due course.
2008-09-20 2:15 pm
arrangement will be made until the further notice
2008-09-19 10:43 pm
另行通知,稍作安排" 之英文?
Arrangement is temporarily made for the time being until further notice.
2008-09-19 7:50 pm
Separate notice will be given after minor changes have been arranged.
2008-09-19 7:31 pm

arrangement will be announced at a later stage

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