There must are some mistakes between our conversation. Sorry I didn't express clearly for you. The box printing company is fine.
Can I speed anything up if I fly over and visit your company?
I hope that you are concentrating on my order and not allowing other companies orders to hold up the progress of my order?
因為,之前在電話上,我有跟他提過他的單子都一直有在生產,但還是會有其他公司的單子進來...(不曉得應不應該這樣說..事後想想似乎不應該這樣說) 因為他一直要趕交期,雖然他很早就有匯訂金了,不過打樣的東西在還沒給他確認之前,我們是不會貿然生產的.. 因此,他一直催交貨催的我們也很無奈... 單子消不完..也還沒輪到他的單(不過快了).. 應該要怎麼解釋比較好...
I will push our production and printing to speed up your order. However, I am not able to give you any guarantee on avoiding the progress of other companies orders.
麻煩,有經驗的外貿高手幫我一下!! 非常感激