2min 短講 (10點)

2008-09-19 7:47 am
題目係: What if all the streets were rivers?
What would be different?



回答 (2)

2008-09-20 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning/afternoon everybody, (everyone)

Does « flooding » ("flooding")this word ring a bell to you? We hear and see them (it)on the news, read it on the paper. It is really a serious environmental subject.
Imagine, what if all the streets were (became)river? (take out the question mark)or WaterLand? I do not like this idea, and (do)you?
There will be lots of serious damages as we are living in a modern and hi-tech (advance) world.
People will find themselves homeless, not to mention it will cause countless lives (when flood happens).
All land and sky (air) transportation(s) will be brought into (to)standstill; the whole city will be blackout because all electric generators are flooded with water. Industries and agriculture are (will also be) destroyed and so on and on (takee out "and on"). The whole city is (will be)disrupted. (;)Emergency helps from all over (around)the world will not be enough to bring back everything in order.
We will just see it “a broken city”! (Our city will become a "broken city" if flood happens.)

If the government will take this into consideration, to set projects, to take precautions, to plan training programs etc., and people are anticipating them as well. That would be different if all the streets were rivers one day. The damages would not be the same!

(The damages would not be as serious and streets would not trun into rivers if the government considers to set projects to prevent flood; to take percautions;to provide training programs, and of course, us people need to anticipating them as well.)
2008-09-19 10:23 am
Good morning/afternoon everybody,

Does « flooding » this word ring a bell to you? We hear and see them on the news, read them on the paper. It is really a serious environmental subject.
Imagine, what if all the streets were rivers? A WaterLand? I do not like this idea, and you?
There will be lots of serious damages as we are living in a modern and hi-tech world.
People will find themselves homeless, not to mention it will cause countless lives.
All land and sky transportation will be brought into a standstill; the whole city will be blackout because all electric generators are flooded with water. Industries and agriculture are destroyed and so on and on. The whole city is disrupted. Emergency helps from all over the world will not be enough to bring back everything in order.
We will just see it “a broken city”!

If the government will take this into consideration, to set projects, to take precautions, to plan training programs etc., and people are anticipating them as well. That would be different if all the streets were rivers one day. The damages would not be the same!


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