入美國籍 有乜福利?

2008-09-18 10:43 pm
移民 30嵗 來了美國6年 合法身份

回答 (5)

2008-09-19 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
美國稅重, 全球性徵稅, 睇醫生貴到飛起, 讀書亦係勁貴 (除非你入社區野雞大學), 種族歧視, 治安差(無端端可以俾人攞鎗啡), 美國人容易成恐怖分子目標, 次按危機, 毒品猖獗, 各色(人種)黑社會, 食物勁高膽固醇, 美國女仔廿五歲已經成個阿婆咁...
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-09-20 7:44 pm
America living standard is high so as comfortable. all citizen are protect by laws and constitution. basicly everyone are equal.
living here you dont need to care who you know, where you came from, what political party you belong.....
the organiation crime group are evrywhere in the world, if you dont get invole, they wont bother you.
medical fee is high, but you can apply medicare from govrt.
up to high school is all free and even college tution is high, but you can apply finance aid from grovt.
as long you did not earn more than 57,000 USD a year for 3 ppl family, you are still consider a low income people. you can apply some grovt benefits.------ if you are US citizen.

greencard holder = you just live in America, you can be expel anytimeby some reasons.
US citizen = you belong here, this is you country now.
參考: self lived inside US, not outsider.
2008-09-19 7:43 am
hi, in fact there are not too much different benefits between US greencard holder and US citizen, the difference are ....
1. US citizen have a right to vote; greencard holder cannot.
2. US citizen can bring parents, sister & brother to USA; greencard holder only can bring spouse and unmarried kids.
3. US citizen can apply US passport, there are many countries u no need to get the tourist visa; greencard holder just uses his/your origin country passport.
4. US citizen uses US passport to enter USA (faster); greencard holder uses greencard and origin country passport to enter USA
5. some US govt jobs only employ US citizen.
6. US citizen can stay outside USA as long as they want; greencard only can stay outside USA within 1 yr (without re-entry permit) or within 2 yrs (with re-entry permit)
7. Greencard holder need to renew greencard every 10 yrs.
8. if one day .. US govt changes the law or benefits, they would like to cut from greencard holder/residence first.
參考: living in USA
2008-09-19 6:39 am
2008-09-18 10:56 pm
你有冇盡公民最基本義務,交薪俸稅呀?有交過稅才有資格享有最起碼的社會保障;如果你從未有交稅,福利? sorry,食自己喇!

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