What is the cleanest country in asia?

2008-09-17 1:04 pm
Please add some interesting info concerning that topic.

回答 (11)

2008-09-19 3:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Singapore or Japan.
2008-09-17 11:03 pm
Singapore, one can get jail time for littering.
2008-09-17 10:33 pm
Singapore as a garden city. Japan is more hygienic though.
2008-09-17 8:13 pm
Singapore is the cleanest country in Asia.
2008-09-20 11:19 pm
Singapore without a doubt.
2008-09-18 1:37 am
I heard that it's Singapore..

They're not allowed to eat gums to avoid people from littering.

I also forgot the other proofs.

I wish that I could go there someday. Care to buy me a ticket?
2008-09-17 10:47 pm
I'd say singapore. Not sure about Japan though, never been there :p

Interesting info? Since independence, Singapore's economy has grown by an average of nine percent each year. By the 1990s, the country has become one of the world's most prosperous nations, with a highly-developed free market economy, strong international trading links, and the highest per capita gross domestic product in Asia outside of Japan.

The status of Singapore as a British possession was cemented by the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824, which carved up the Malay archipelago between the two colonial powers with the area north of the Straits of Malacca, including Singapore, falling under Britain's sphere of influence.
2008-09-17 10:59 pm
I think qatar
2008-09-17 9:21 pm
i would say japan instead. it's known as 'germany' of asia.
2008-09-17 8:07 pm
Trick question?
2008-09-18 7:49 am
Brunei Darussalam

Culture,Heritage, Nature, contemporary Asia

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