
2008-09-18 7:40 am
可唔可以做到100米至200米一槍一死呢?(以前聽文章又好,睇Discovery的Future Weapon都好,都異口同聲話100米都打唔死人)
咁300至400米的距離通常要幾多槍先knock down 敵人?

回答 (4)

2008-09-20 7:21 pm
i am not sure what ppl talking about, so i go check myself.

5.56 = .223, yes, .223 = .22, no.

thay are two different bullet size. actually. i compared the 5.56 to .22 long i have. the 5.56 bullet is slice bigger than .22L, and double in length. the weight is 55 garm, about 3 times heavy than .22L. most imporant is 5.56 have 6 times more powder in size. and the 5.56 range is 300 yards before it lose the accuracy.

i had tested the .22L long time ago. it can shoot through triple 2x4 wood and still knock down a piece of concreat wall behind the wood. i used .22L for small game----shoot the bird or squirriel....etc.

what about 5.56 ?, i know people use it to hunt deer. light weight, light recoil and very easy 1 shot 1 kill for a 100 some lbs deer. so when people tell me 1 hit of 5.56 bullet into main body may not kill, they must had read too much books.
yes, 5.56 bullet is light and travel too fast. it will go right through the human body easy. but not if it is hollow point or the soft point as i own. the exit hole will be the size of ping pong ball. not funny to get hit by that. right?
and some time the killing power is not depend on the bullet itself, but is the the impact created by the bullet.-------- go see the movie --- three kings.

i own a Colt 5.56 hightbar----similiar as M16. now it worth 4000 USD after the gun ban law in 1998 . i tried it in the range some times, in 100 yards the accuracy is awesome, great and sharp cut.
i am not saying the 5.56 is prefect bullet, i just telling my own experence

PS, some of my high school mates had joined the street gang and got killed by the .22 hand gun------ low noise, small to hide and easly 1 shot 1 kill right behind the head.

also, you can put .357 in the .38 hand gun because they are the same size. but the .357 is about 5 times the power of .38
參考: once upon a time, i like playing guns.
2008-09-19 7:41 am
雖說NATO.223ga最大射程系350m.但系通常5.56毫米超過 300公尺以後由於彈道顯著下沉,所以5.56毫米口徑的子彈最大有效射程系大約250m,加上M-4ga槍管太短(under 24in)M-855彈ga槍口初速唔可以到 top speed(850m/s) 100米都唔可以one shoot one kill ,至於300至400米的距離唔理系美國gaM-855定系NATO.223都會因彈道顯著下沉而大減其殺傷力.
(不過我聽聞軍板AUG因為距槍管長,可以用做輕狙,響875ft head shoot ga 話應該可以one shoot one kill

2008-09-18 23:49:41 補充:
NATO.223 及M-855正常而言在飛行300至400米的距離後會因消耗機近全部的動能出現彈道過低的情況因而不可對敵人造成有效的殺傷
參考: 我系軍迷,槍炮機艦都略知一二
2008-09-18 5:19 pm
2008-09-18 8:32 am
5.56mm 即係 .22 ﹐通常叫 .22LR . 仲細過以前差佬傳聞話打唔過對面街果支 .38 !
不過 .22 子彈同彈頭有好多好多唔同長度。
直徑無錯一定係 .22 ﹐但有D好長﹐有D好高速﹐又有唔同金屬做彈頭﹐種類煩多。
好多來福鎗都係用 .22 架。
比普通手鎗用既 .22LR﹐長度大概等於一支煙既濾嘴。如果有條友企一百米外比你用支 .22 手鎗任射﹐由於準頭差且火力弱﹐佢可能一分鐘後仲響度行黎行去 !
至於比來福鎗用既 .22子彈﹐就有成支煙咁長﹐裝左好多火藥﹐莫講話一百米﹐就算三四百米﹐準的話﹐一鎗就攪掂。

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