
2008-09-18 5:09 am
大發現紀念碑”(Monumentto the Discoveries)高50公尺,矗立于太加斯河口,為獨裁者薩拉查(Salazar)為紀念航海家亨利逝世五500周年在1960年命人所建。亨利站在船首,手上托著一艘當時的多桅小帆船,其他15與16世紀偉大的海上探險家則緊跟在后,包括1498年繞過好望角的達伽馬、1521年橫越太平洋的麥哲倫,以及第一位航抵巴西的歐洲人卡布拉爾(Pedro Alvares Cabral)。葡萄牙是伊比利半島上第一個擺脫摩爾人統治的國家,因此得以比鄰國西班牙更早50年展開征服世界的大業,在航海大發現上扮演重要角色。葡萄牙水手開歷史之先河,探索全球各大洋。因他們的開疆拓土,葡萄牙帝國的勢力在16世紀初就遠達東印度群島。葡萄牙征服者及后來的西班牙、荷蘭、英國、法國征服者遠征時,同時將基督教信仰和科學理念傳播出去,而且往往是以武力和奴役的方式來達到這項目的。

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2008-09-18 1:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Monument to the Discoveries was built in 1960 by the order of dictator Salazar, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the death of Henry the Navigator. The monument is 50 meters in height, and is standing at the estuary of River Targus. It is carved into the shape of the prow of a ship, and Henry is standing at the prow holding a small caravel, followed by the statues of other famous explorers and heroes from the 15th to 16th century. Such as Bartolomeu Dias, the first person who crossed the Cape of Good Hope in 1498; Ferdinand Magellan, the first person who crossed the Pacific Ocean in 1521; and Pedro Alvares Cabral, the first person who discovered Brazil.

Portugal was the first country on the Iberian Peninsula which became independent of Moors, and because of that, the Portuguese able to begin their conquest of the world 50 years earlier than their Spanish neighbor and played a significant role at the maritime exploration. The sailors of Portuguese had started a new era on human history by exploring around the world. At the beginning16th century, the Portuguese empire had extended their dominion as far as East Indian. Christianity and the concepts of science were widely spread out to the world during the expedition of the Portuguese, as well as by the other conquerors from Spain, Netherlands, Britain and France in the later days. However, this usually was not done in peace, violence and slavery were often involved.
參考: NOT from any non-sense online translator, nor brainless translation machines.

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