Radioheads "Paranoid Android"....huh???!?

2008-09-17 4:47 am
does anyone know the meaning of the music video paranoid android???...i dont get it at all

does it have any symbolism in it? what is it about or supposed to be about, im so confused!?

heres a link to the music video.........

回答 (6)

2008-09-19 10:05 am
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Check this out >>
2016-10-07 9:06 pm
Paranoid Android Meaning
2015-08-19 8:21 am
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Radioheads "Paranoid Android"....huh???!?
does anyone know the meaning of the music video paranoid android???...i dont get it at all

does it have any symbolism in it? what is it about or supposed to be about, im so confused!?
參考: radioheads paranoid android huh:
2015-07-08 6:31 pm
I think it is an enterpretation of the current situation in EU and Greece. R=Robin is Tsipras, the black guy is Obama, the taxi driver is Juncker, the man dancing with a head on his belly is Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the man crying after the Eurogroup is Pierre Moscovici and of course the sadistic german at the eurogroup is Wolfgang Schäuble. The eurogroup end at the demolition of EU. Tsipras is laughed at at the bar by his european companions (Merkel is the barwoman) while obama stands iddiferent. He then goes in seclusion (on a lampost on the bridge). Sweden is leaving too (the ship). Obama wants himm to come down. Schäuble offers to get him down by all means...and the his is saved by divine intervation. Schäuble s obsession to punish him ends in dismembering his own self (meaning the german nation). After this Tsipras is free to go around with Obama
2014-12-13 8:44 pm
The kid finally understood that he could take control of his own life, that angel showed him the way. The big fat guy wanted to be a good guy by trying to help that kid, and he was reborn in the end.
2008-09-17 5:14 am
I had seen the video and its pretty wierd. I think it has a message, but I dont know what it is.

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