About HKCEE --- Oral Examination

2008-09-17 4:11 am
I am a F.5 student this year. I will participate in HKCEE after 7 months.I want to know something about the oral exam.
What is a GOOD STARTING in the group discussion ?? In the speaking practises at school , I always do a quite bad performance in this area. The questions always cover the daily life . Such as comparing noodles shop or sushi shop which is suitable for students to take place for lunch. When I read these type of topic , I usually start with a phrase like " Now , we are going to discuss ... " . However , I hate this expression very much. It is very rigid. Anyway , I don't know how to start with these discussions with a natural and special beginging.
I need your help. Thx so much ^^

回答 (2)

2008-09-17 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
你一定要主動, 主動好緊要架, 主動可以control到個discussion,
Suggest your opinion first, be calm is very important for you, control
discussion, can show you off, but don't show too much, after you suggest it
you can ask the opinion from other groupmates. Finally end up with your conclution on time.
The opening words: (with a little bit smile) Let me suggest my comman first, I think......................................
I think Sushi shop maybe will a little bit expensive in HK, student still don't have there job, they spend the money are parents, so comparing with noodles shop is more suitable for a student.

Be calm and active give some imagination, then you can get a good result.

2008-09-16 21:24:17 補充:
I think Sushi shop will a little bit expensive in HK, student still don't have their job, they spend the money are from their parents, so comparing with noodles shop, it's not suitable for a student.
2008-09-24 8:04 pm
好似樓上果位講咁 ,主動真係好重要 ,因為如果太怕醜唔講野 ,通常都係得好少分

Good morning/ afternoon , everyone. toady ,we are going to disscuss ......
Do you mind I share my opinion first?
i think ......

To sum up/ In conclusion , ......

記得討論期間要用不同嘅字眼 ,會高分d 嫁
making suggestion
- Shall we ...?
- Let's ......
- How about......?
- I would suggest ......

PS 會考加油!!!
參考: 自己↘ 不准抄襲

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