when Typhoon no .10 is hoisted, what should we do?

2008-09-17 3:00 am
when Typhoon no .10 is hoisted, what should we do?
please answer with english!!

回答 (2)

2008-09-17 3:30 am
stay at home~~
2008-09-17 3:14 am
Tropical Cyclones : Tropical cyclones normally occur during the months of May to November, and are particularly prevalent during September.

Tropical cyclone advisory bulletins and/or warnings are issued by the Hong Kong observatory whenever a tropical cyclone centres within 800 km of Hong Kong poses a threat to the territory.

These advisory bulletins include the tropical cyclone warning signal issued and its significance, the latest position and expected movement of the centre of the tropical cyclone, information on the wind strength, rainfall and sea level in the territory and advice on precautionary measures.

Simply knowing what signal is issued is not enough. You should also listen to radio and TV broadcasts of weather bulletins and follow the advice given. Tropical Cyclone Signals are to warn you of the threat of winds associated with the tropical cyclone. Because of topographical conditions, local winds may be substantially different from those in the harbour areas. For your own safety, you should stay alert at all times and be prepared to deal with changing conditions at short notice. Remember that areas that may have been previously sheltered may quickly become exposed.

Neither should you relax precautions when the tropical cyclone is moving away from Hong Kong, as high winds are likely to persist for some time. You should stay indoors where it is safe until winds moderate.

Information on other hazards associated with the tropical cyclone will be included in warning bulletins. When necessary, separate warnings of heavy rain, flooding and landslips will be issued.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 21:08:42
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