get start英文一問

2008-09-16 8:06 pm

get start就咁兩隻字拼埋一齊用得唔得架?

另外we're just getting started


回答 (1)

2008-09-16 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We cannot say " get start" You can say "get started with the project" or
" Let us get it started".
" Let us get it done" This means that we get someone to do it for us or we do it by ourselves.
You can say " he got killed". This means he was killed by somebody or
" done", and "killed" are objective adjective complements

eg. I am feeling quite well
You are getting late
I am doing fine
"well", "late" and "fine" are subjective adjective complements

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