can I replace ”frightened of” by ”fright about” in here?

2008-09-16 11:15 am
The story of elephants being frightened of mice probably came about because elephants are frightened of sudden, unexpected noises or movements.

source: the 18th frighten Usage Examples

回答 (4)

2008-09-29 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
"fright about" 這個你建議的用法, 我在好幾本字典都找不到, 相信是沒有這種寫法的。但我找到另外兩則的新聞, 佢地的寫法可能對你改寫句子有參考的價值。

Elephants never forget their fright of the humble bee. ...
But despite their thick skin and size advantage, elephants turn tail and flee at the sound of a swarm of bees, according to research carried out on the Kenyan savannah.

大象雖然身型龐大和皮膚又粗又厚, 但硏究顯示, 牠們一聽到蜜蜂的叫聲, 就怕得要慌忙地逃走。 牠們永遠都忘不了對蜜蜂的恐懼。

當應用以上的例法, 你的句子就可以改寫成:

The story of elephants having the fright of mice came about because elephants are frightened of sudden, unexpected noises or movements.


另一則新聞並不是有關大象, 而是有關一個音樂人如何克服對舞台的恐懼。 (尾3段)

"I sang a lot with others because I had stage fright. A good friend played guitar in a rock band and I learned the instrument by hanging around him. ... I have definitely improved over time. I can perform more easily now because I am over my stage fright.
當應用以上例子, 你的句子就可以改寫為:
The story of elephants having mice fright came about because elephants are frightened of sudden, unexpected noises or movements.


2009-01-06 4:51 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]
2008-09-16 11:34 am
The preposition after frighten is "of" not "about"
Same as I am afraid of spiders.

2008-09-16 03:36:19 補充:
I am scared OF ghosts.

Prepositions RULE
2008-09-16 11:25 am
No. Its gramatically wrong.

You must use a past participle after "being". That means you must use anything that ends with "-ed" or in a past participle form for some special cases (eg: eat, ate, "eaten" <-- past participle form).

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