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Essentially, when times were good, during the Clinton presidency, the economy was sound. You could have a husband & wife both working, & thinking the future was bright. They bought cars, maybe a nice widescreen television, & moved up in the housing to a bigger home, in a better neighborhood.
And then, things started to change after the terrorist's attacks on American soil. We racked up huge deficits by starting 2 wars in 2 separate foreign countries. We borrowed money > much of it from the Chinese> to finance the war. Causing a shortage in the supply of available money to lend consumers. The Chinese also started their own industrial revolution, & their consumption of oil related products contributed to the cost a barrel of oil over $130 USD.
Many consumers were beginning to feel the squeeze, The economy slowed due to consumer concerns over rising prices of anything related to energy. Interest rates started rising on variable rate mortgages, unemployment was up. And soon bank foreclosures started.
People would find themselves unable to pay the higher rates for everything, & had little savings to tide them over. They never realized the good times would end. And so too it would seem did Lehman Bros.