can anybody translate these sentences into english??

2008-09-16 7:53 am
1. 我想將讀書學到的東西放上工作上, 唔想浪費以前讀過的東西
2. 可是, 這工作不能給予我與人接觸的機會

回答 (7)

2008-09-16 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想將讀書學到的東西放上工作上, 唔想浪費以前讀過的東西. 可是, 這工作不能給予我與人接觸的機會
In order not to waste what I had learned from school, I wish I can use what I've learned on my work (job). However, this (my present) job wouldn't allow me to do so.
I've put your 1) and 2) in same paragraph, because they are related. And, we don't have to repeat the first sentence
參考: Own
2008-09-16 9:50 pm
1. I'd like to apply the knowledege I learnt on my work. I do not not to waste and abandon it.

2. Yet, this job cannot provide me an oppotunity of socialling with others.
參考: Myself
2008-09-16 6:11 pm
1. I want to get a job which is about what I learned from my school/training/training school; that would be prefect.
2. unfortunately, this job cannot give me a chance to contact other ppls.
參考: living in USA
2008-09-16 9:40 am
1. I really wish I can apply what I learnt from school to my job, I don't want to waste the knowledge that I learnt.
2. However, this job don't give me the chance to dealing with people.
2008-09-16 9:09 am
1. I would like to apply the knowledge learned from school in my job, since I do not want to waste what I have learned before.

2. However, there is no chance for me to get in touch with the others in this job.
參考: 自已
2008-09-16 8:24 am
1. I do not want to waste the knowledge I learnt from school. I would like to apply them into my work.

2. However, this job does not provide me the chance to contact people.
2008-09-16 8:01 am
1. I hope to apply the knowledge that I have learnt at school into my work since I do want to waste it.
2. However, my job does not offer me any opprotunity to contact other people.
參考: me

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