自我介紹 (英文)

2008-09-16 6:18 am
我中3學生! 要交功課!自我介紹 200字
我要你地教我! help me

回答 (2)

2008-09-16 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello! I am...(name). I am ......(school)student in......(Rank). I think I am......(Disposition). Hope you can make me be better because I think I have many shortcomings such as......(Your shortcomings)

I have......(Family Members)in my home. I like......(Your family members you like him/her best)because he/she......(why you like him/her)I don't like......(Your family members you don't like him/her)because he/she(why you don't like him/her).

I have many hobbies such as......(hobbies)I like......(hobbies you like it best)because I......(Why you like this hobbies)I don't like many things too. Such as,......(What don't you like) I don't like......(things don't you like) because......(why you don't like it)

I think I can be better,right? (you can write or not write)
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-09-16 1:27 pm
自我介紹不外乎....講你叫乜嘢名my name is...., I am....

今年幾大, 係一個中三學生.....student, 住邊一區living in...,

果一區有乜嘢你較喜歡........, 舖頭, 商場, 公園.....之類

當然唔使講個地址出嚟啦! 有無父母兄弟姊妹, two sisters or

brothers之類, 講吓自己鐘意既嘢...例如: 上網, 足球, 購物,

飲茶,......playing computer, football, shopping and dim sum.....

又可以講吓性格, 例如: 好動activity, 好靜quiet, 靜大多睇書,

聽音樂, 你自己諗, 再唔夠二百字就講吓你屋企人, 例如....

爸爸一星期返六日my .............6 days a week, 媽媽是家庭主婦

my.......... is housewife.........!


2008-09-16 05:30:50 補充:
如果有生字唔識就上網查字典, 打...Dictionary.com/translate 就得咖啦....!

單字翻譯好啦, 唔好成句打落去翻譯, 唔啱咖....因為有好多中文口語譯


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