✔ 最佳答案
Oh, 其實好易, 我自己都是用5610, let me tell you~~~
1. 你要用在interest上找到你自己想dowload的game...
2. Download後, 如果是rar file, 你就要自己解壓, 如不是, 你會留意個副劏名會是jar...
3.Then把你dwnload的game放到你想放的地方, 可以choice prase it to the phone memory or your SD card, when you done, 可以開始send to your phone or card...
4. (1)而transfer的方法有兩種 (Mini USB and Bluetooth), 如你電腦冇bluetooth, 就只好用USB, (2)你若想放to your SD card, 只需要用card reader(要另加Card Adapter)就ok, 冇就都一定要用USB...
5. 如想放to your phone, 要用USB (computer to your phone), plug好就可以把game send to your phone, 如要放SD card, 把card reader(SDcard in)用USB plug to your computer, computer會discover有個外置hard disc, then你只要把要放的game from computer to your 外置hard disc, then you done, finally prase your SD card back to your phone, you can use it....
希望你明白, 都希望我講得清楚, you can ask me again if you still confusing...