transforming sentence

2008-09-16 2:46 am
If we make the teacher mad,he will give us more homework
(use lead to)

A.If we make the teacher mad, it will lead to us having to do more homework
B.If we make the teacher mad,it will lead to us doing more homework


回答 (4)

2008-09-16 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

If we make the teacher mad, it will lead us to do more homework.

我自己覺得無咩必要再加having to do... do more 其實都有個意思係度。

如果有pronoun 唔會係lead to us,應該係lead us to

In my opinion,我覺得話:
Making the teacher mad will lead us to do more homework.


2008-09-27 23:07:38 補充:
having more home work for us 呢一段係noun黎,所以可以用-ing
就好似I'm looking forward to seeing you 一樣道理~
參考: 我的知識
2008-09-26 5:32 am
001 個句

If we make the teacher gets mad, it will resulted to having more home work for us.

"to" 後面個字唔係唔可以轉為 "ing" / "ed" 咩?

2008-09-28 17:05:23 補充:

2008-09-16 8:20 pm
A.If we make the teacher mad, it will lead to us having to do more homework
B.If we make the teacher mad,it will lead to us doing more homework
兩句, 但均非完美句子. Why?
Because very chinglish. lead to us... 不大好. 應用 resulted to.... 例:
If we make the teacher gets mad, it will resulted to having more home work for us.
May be you insist to use the ward 'lead to', but frankly, this is not the right word to use in this sentence.
參考: Own
2008-09-16 2:53 am
If we make the teacher mad, it will lead to us having to do more homework

lead to us v+ing?

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