
2008-09-16 1:09 am


風險較低 特許經營行業的總店一般都已建立相當的聲譽,加盟店可享用有利的經營條件,包括總店的專利權、經營方針和管理模式等,亦能分享「規模經濟」("economies of scale")的優勢,例如享用較低的入貨價。另一方面,總店也能以較低的成本和財務風險,擴展其銷售網。

較易對所需的資金作出預算 大部份特許經營店已有一套固定的裝修及生財工具的規格,所以對資金的需要有一個較準確的預算。

生意較有保障 總店通常已有一定數目的「捧場客」。

受合約限制 特許經營者必須依照總店的要求及規定經營。

















回答 (3)

2008-09-16 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
On the right track

To join the franchise mode, you can get more support. Entrepreneurs can enjoy the headquarters of the excellent management systems and good brand image, may also be related to technology transfer, business will be easier to push the track.

Lower-risk franchise industry in general headquarters have been established quite the reputation, stores can enjoy a favourable business conditions, including the headquarters of the franchise, operating principles, and management mode, can share the "economies of scale" ( " economies of scale ") the advantages, such as access to lower-value. On the other hand, headquarters can also lower the costs and financial risk, expand its sales network.

Make it easier to budget the necessary funds to make the majority of franchised stores has a fixed set of tools to make money in the decoration and specifications, so the funds need to have a more accurate budget.

2008-09-15 19:51:37 補充:
Business more secure headquarters usually have a certain number of "捧场off."

Restrictions on the franchise contract must be in accordance with the requirements and provisions of headquarters operations.

2008-09-15 19:52:06 補充:

Franchises are not the main store employees, but an independent business entity, the relationship between the two by the contract norms.

2008-09-15 19:52:51 補充:
With the contract form, the contract is the basis of cooperation between the two sides, both sides have the responsibility and the protection depends on the content of the agreement.

2008-09-15 19:53:20 補充:
Headquarters of the quality and reputation difficult to quantify, in particular the creation of the new franchise system, so entrepreneurs should choose a more reliable joining the franchise business.

2008-09-15 19:53:54 補充:
Choice of joining brand, to make many considerations, including:

Brand awareness and goodwill (goodwill)

Headquarters of the background, business and financial position

2008-09-15 19:54:13 補充:
The stability of product supply, pricing is reasonable

Headquarters of other franchise store operations

The development of the market space

2008-09-15 19:54:53 補充:
General headquarters will be in charge before signing a formal contract, "Cheng Yijin" or "margin" to protect their own interests. This sum of money generally can be refunded.

2008-09-15 19:55:03 補充:
When the franchise to finally decided to cancel cooperation, lump sum (excluding some reasonable and in accordance with the agreement as stipulated in the administrative fee), should immediately return are successful in business, will be used to meet part of the contract amount.

2008-09-15 19:55:20 補充:
Headquarters to the stores usually charge of opening a franchise Jia Mengfei, after the stores have to pay monthly service charges, including the franchise fee, a percentage of the turnover of management fees and advertising fees.

2008-09-15 19:55:31 補充:
Generally speaking, the number of Jia Mengfei with brand awareness and company size has a direct relationship.

2008-09-15 19:56:20 補充:
Franchise mode of "Jia Mengfei" and "management fees" and other expenses, these costs in other forms of entrepreneurship does not exist. As a result of these costs in the overall operating costs in the proportion of the many,

2008-09-15 19:56:31 補充:
it will directly affect the payback period, entrepreneurs must be careful calculation.

Termination of the contract should specify cooperation, the two sides have to bear all the responsibility.

2008-09-15 19:56:45 補充:
Even in normal circumstances headquarters have established a reliable business model, the concession operators should also consider the legislation on the subject,

2008-09-15 19:56:53 補充:
including those relating to product liability, intellectual property and its headquarters and other tax matters.

2008-09-15 19:57:05 補充:
To follow the model set headquarters operation, can not join the personal style or creativity, flexibility not enough, but the lack of business experience to the rule-based.
2008-09-17 3:12 am
By way of franchising, can get the more support. Business people can enjoy the fine ZongDian management system and excellent brand image and the related technology transfer, will be on business.

A lower risk of franchising ZongDian generally has established a reputation of the franchise, can be quite enjoy favourable conditions, including the management of the patent right, ZongDian management policy and management mode, etc, also can share "scale economy" (&; quot economies (scale&quot) The advantage of low consume, such as the sales. On the other hand, ZongDian can also with lower cost and financial risks, and expand its sales.

The funds needed more easily to make most of the franchise store budget has been a regular decoration and paraphernalia, so for the specification of the funds needed a more accurate budgeting.

Business is usually a certain number of ZongDian guarantee for the "aslo."

Restricted by contract concessionaire must, in accordance with the provisions of the operation requirements and ZongDian.


A franchisor not ZongDian employees, but an independent operation, the relation between individual by contract specifications. With the contracting parties, the contract is the same form the basis of both sides, cooperation and ensure all depends on the duty agreement.

The quality and reputation ZongDian, especially to quantify the franchise system established new business, so we should choose a reliable franchise business.

Choose to join brand, many consider including:

Brand awareness and goodwill (goodwill)

The background, management and ZongDian finances

Whether the product supply stable, pricing is reasonable

ZongDian other franchise operation conditions

2008-09-16 19:13:14 補充:
Market development space

2008-09-16 19:14:27 補充:
In formal ZongDian usually before signing a contract for "sincerity gold pens" or the "deposit",

2008-09-16 19:14:50 補充:
in order to ensure their interests. The funds are generally return. When a franchisor last decided to cancel cooperation, the sum of reasonable deduction

2008-09-16 19:15:08 補充:
(according to the agreement, when the administrative fees should be immediately return), If successful, will start to pay part of the contract.

2008-09-16 19:15:24 補充:
To napa stores ZongDian will open a pen of the franchise, then to napa JiaMengFei after service, including monthly pay a fee and patent fee and the percentage of revenue from etc. Generally speaking, how will the JiaMengFei with brand awareness and the company has direct relation.

2008-09-16 19:15:44 補充:
The franchise mode involves "JiaMengFei" and "management", etc, these charges in other expenses in the form of business does not exist. Due to the cost of the overall cost of business, so many proportion 佔 back issue will directly affect the business professionals, be careful calculation.

2008-09-16 19:16:11 補充:
Should indicate the termination of the contract, the parties shall cooperate negative all responsibility.

2008-09-16 19:16:39 補充:
Though normally have established a ZongDian reliable operation mode, the concessionaire should also consider legislation in the relevant products, including rules limit of liability of the intellectual property rights and ZongDian, tax affairs, etc.

2008-09-16 19:16:52 補充:
To follow the operating mode ZongDian order, joining the personal style or creative, flexibility, but lack enough business experience has complied rules.
2008-09-16 1:31 am
On the right track

To join the franchise mode, you can get more support. Entrepreneurs can enjoy the headquarters of the excellent management systems and good brand image, may also be related to technology transfer, business will be easier to push the track.

Lower-risk franchise industry in general headquarters have been established quite the reputation, stores can enjoy a favourable business conditions, including the headquarters of the franchise, operating principles, and management mode, can share the "economies of scale" ( " economies of scale ") the advantages, such as access to lower-value. On the other hand, headquarters can also lower the costs and financial risk, expand its sales network.

Make it easier to budget the necessary funds to make the majority of franchised stores has a fixed set of tools to make money in the decoration and specifications, so the funds need to have a more accurate budget.

Business more secure headquarters usually have a certain number of fans.

Restrictions on the franchise contract must be in accordance with the requirements and provisions of headquarters operations.

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