
2008-09-15 11:36 pm

回答 (5)

2008-09-17 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have much better expertise, one of the most powerful, including football, basketball and track and field. Football is because I am only interested in love, basketball and track and field team is because schools recruit me into the.
Football in my life, a very important position. When I was small, I have an understanding of football this campaign, I love it. After I trained hard, was finally met the coach can participate in the team competition. I took part in the team competition is the best result by the second. I bring a lot of football than the glory and joy.
In its achievements on the basketball is not the ideal. But I basketball's expertise in radio is a three-point shots.
This may be because basketball is the world GAO Ren bar, short people can only be projected in the outer lane.
I am in track and field results are impressive. Many in the game I have won many awards.
This is my Zhuan longer.
2008-10-03 6:56 pm
Group voting
2008-09-17 3:21 am
My specialty is much better, including most including soccer, basketball and athletics. Football because I didn't like the interest of basketball and track because I entered school team to solicit.
Football in my life has a very important position. When I was young, I just know football this sport I liked it. I finally got through pains-taking training and coaching acquaintances can attend. Team When I joined the team game is to get the best results. Football with my glory and the many more than happy.
Basketball is not ideal achievement. But I expertise in basketball is shot 3 points of the ball.
This is probably because of the world basketball is small, only in the perimeter projection.
In athletics in my grades of also. In many matches and I won many awards.
This is my long.
2008-09-16 5:48 am
My specialty has well many, fiercest includes the soccer, basketball and track and field. The soccer is because my interest only then likes on, the basketball and the track and field are because the school team gathers me to go.
the soccer has the very important status in mine life. In childhood, I just knew when soccer this movement I liked on it. I undergo the assiduous training, obtained the training acquaintance to be possible finally to participate in the team to compete. I participate in time the team competition's best total of points obtain second. The soccer belt glorious which and the joy are more than me.
not was too ideal in the basketball aspect's result. However I was shoot 3 point ball in the basketball aspect's specialty.
this also possibly is because the blue ball is person of high skill's world, the diminutive person can only project in the outwire.
in the track and field aspect my result is also the arrogant person. I have also obtained many award items in many competitions.
This is my specialty
參考: ME
2008-09-16 12:01 am
I have manyspecial skill, fiercest includes the soccer, the
basketball and the field . The soccer is because my interest only
then likes on, the basketball and Tian? is because the school team
gathers me to go in. The soccer has the count for much status in mine
life. In childhood, I just knew when soccer this movement I liked on
it. I pass through the assiduous training, finally obtains the
training the acquaintance was allowed to participate in the team to
compete. I attend when the team competition the best result obtains
second. The soccer belt and is more joyful than I very many glory. Not
too was ideal in the basketball aspect result. But I was shoot 3
minute balls in the basketball aspect specialty. This also possibly is
because the blue ball is person of high skill's world, the diminutive
person only can project in the outwire. In the track and field aspect
my result also is an arrogant person. I also have obtained many award
items in many competitions. This was I special skill.

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