精算or會計or engineering 的出路較廣

2008-09-15 10:38 pm
如題各位認為做精算or會計or engineering 的出路較廣(即較易揾工)?
邊樣,邊度需求較大? 邊樣易升職,前景較好? (末來10年)

本人正在CA讀12班(在HK完成F.4後走), 為前途選科出路問題苦怒中,唔知應揀數学系 or Business(Accounting) or engineering 望高人指點!

考慮因素第一 : 易揾工,出路廣(both in hk & us),被抄失業後易再入職;
第ニ : 適合女仔
第三 : 高薪, 易升
(有意在US, HK工作,都揾唔到先考慮中国大陸)

本人不會怕數字(怕文字多過怕數字), 幾喜歡計數, Math(Calculus AB, Statistic) & Phy成績幾好都有A, 但當然唔係數学天才(不是那些去參加數学奧林匹克的人), Eng & 經濟成績OK, Chem & Bio 麻麻

未知邊行適合自己, 如選engineering,又唔知邊種engineer適合?(eg. civil? industrial?, electric?, mechanic?)

Thanks for answering the 4 questions. (?x4) 望提供詳細分析

Can anyone tells me sth. about actuary? Is it easy to find jobs in this area?


Can Lavina explain why math is more ideal please?

回答 (5)

2008-09-24 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我會覺得做會計會比較大路啲。精算近呢兩年都幾好景,不過就行頭比較窄。工程嘛就好似唔多啱啲身嬌肉貴嘅大姑娘。
2. 見過好多公司裁員最後至到會計,因為仲止意你埋盤數俾政府同答政府啲問題。精算同工程都要睇你年資同老細關係,咁你依家仲讀緊。
3. 如果睇入職,精算好似好啲。不過依家衰退緊,你希望穩陣就會計啦!行行出狀元,入職後要睇工作表現同人際關係,所以你嘅目標﹝人工高、升得快﹞都要睇你造化。
4. 未來十年前景睇怕你都係問上帝好啲啦!
2008-10-13 4:46 am
2008-09-27 2:59 pm
Important Disclosure:
The best advice I can give you is that you should pray to God for His will about your life. If it is something that He wants you to do, then you already have a big advantage of receiving God's help and guidance. He will make sure that you become a success walking on the path He points to you. If you neglect to do this step, you may have to wander around aimlessly for a long time before you get back on the true path.

You must find a job and develop skills that you feel most interested in. You will be going to your job for about 40 years after college. So you should find intern opportunities while going to school and discover the things you are good at and you want to work on. Imagine being locked down on a job or a place where you don't want to be for 4 decades. Internships or summer jobs will provide you some clues to what you really want to do, and give you the time to change majors while you are still in school.

Go to Salary.com and check out the nominal salaries and skills required for different professions.
2008-09-16 4:15 pm
I'm currently studying in California as well.....and I guess Math would probably be the best among these in terms of your requirements.......
Engineering is not doing good in both U.S. (at least in CA as far as I know......coz a lot of people I know have been siiting there and waiting for ideal offers for a while)
If you wanna work as an egineer in HK, it's very likely that u have to work in mainland....the engineering field is actually shrinking there and many departments have already moved to mainland China.

Speaking of accounting...........it should be quite good and well-paid....but i heard that this field has become more and more competitive and stressful....one of the reasons is that way too many people are going into the field (through different paths......there're numerous certs and programs out there)
So this wouldn't be as ideal as math. ( among the options you listed out)

2008-09-16 08:17:56 補充:
typing mistake,correction:
"Engineering is not doing very well in bothe US and HK"
參考: Myself
2008-09-16 2:44 am
參考: me,Cameron(Cameron Road)<(花名)

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