
2008-09-15 10:23 pm
同埋物理學家 math 係咪要好好~~??

我英文 5 咪幾好~點好...


回答 (3)

2008-09-21 5:27 am

2008-09-17 4:30 am
Although in general, physicists refer to those person whose occupation involves with the use of physical knowledge, "physisict" is also a name for one of the professional posts within the Hong Kong SAR Government establishment, similar to chemists, economists, statisticians etc.

Apart from doing academic researches, which are most engaged by staff members in universities, professional physicists in HK are involved with the application of physics in various disciplines, such as in meteorology, environmental protection, health physics, building physics etc.

Besides a strong background in physics, to become a physicist needs a good command of English, as many reports and journal articles are all written in English. Professional Physicists are also required to provide professional advices and, give comments and write reports regularly.
2008-09-17 4:01 am
其實物理學家唔係一個職位 係指1d研究物理學既人


入到大學既時候 要修讀物理系(呢個時候已經叫做物理學家)


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