
2008-09-15 9:57 pm

中 秋 佳 節 前 後 , 香 港 各 處 的 精 采 慶 祝 活 動 均 叫 人 熱 切 期 待 。 按 照 中 國 傳 統 , 每 家 每 戶 在 佳 節 晚 上 會 聚 首 一 堂 , 吃 過 晚 飯 後 , 便 到 戶 外 賞 月 、 吃 月 餅 , 孩 子 們 會 在 皎 潔 月 色 下 提 著 色 彩 繽 紛 的 花 燈 , 開 心 玩 樂 。 今 年 , 賞 月 之 餘 , 萬 勿 錯 過 9 月 12 至 14 日 舉 行 的 「 戊 子 年 中 秋 綵 燈 會 」 , 欣 賞 多 姿 多 采 的 文 化 表 演 節 目 和 綵 燈 展 覽 , 感 受 中 秋 佳 節 的 熱 鬧 氣 氛 。 此 外 , 位 於 香 港 文 化 中 心 露 天 廣 場 和 西 九 龍 海 濱 長 廊 的 大 型 專 題 綵 燈 展 覽 , 由 9月 8日 到 10 月 12 日 開 放 給 市 民 和 旅 客 參 觀 , 讓 大 家 感 受 濃 濃 的 傳 統 文 化 色 彩 。

回答 (3)

2008-09-23 2:54 am
Before and after Mid-Autumn Festival, wonderful celebrations are look forward to being seen among Hong Kong people. In accordance with Chinese tradition, every household in the festive season will meet in the evening. After dinner, then to the outdoor, enjoying the full moon, eating moon cakes, the children will stay under the moonlight, bringing the colorful lanterns, playing happily. This year, you should not miss the "Wu Zi-year-Autumn Lantern Carnival" on September 12 to 14, to enjoy a variety of cultural performances and lantern display, the feelings of the Mid-Autumn Festival to the festive atmosphere. In addition, at Hong Kong Cultural Center Piazza and West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade of a large-scale lantern display from Sept. 8 to Oct. 12 is open to the public and tourists, so we can feel a deep sense of traditional culture.

2008-09-22 18:55:22 補充:
wonderful celebrations are looking forward to being seen...
參考: me, me
2008-09-15 10:09 pm
Before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the wonderful celebration activities around Hong Kong makes people really looking forward to them indeed. According to Chinese tradition, each household in the festive season will meet one evening, after dinner, then to the full moon outdoors, eating moon cakes, the children will be under the bright moonlight to the play colourful lanterns happily. This year when it’s the full moon, don’t missed the "Wu Zi in the Mid-Autumn Lantern Carnival" at September 12 to 14 and enjoy a variety of cultural performances and lantern display, the feelings of the Festival of the festive atmosphere. In addition, the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza and West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade major feature spectacular lantern display, is open to the public and tourists to visit from September 8 to October 12 so that everyone could have deep feelings of the traditional culture of Chinese.
參考: 自己
2008-09-15 10:09 pm
Mid-Autumn joyful festival in front and back, everywhere exciting celebration activity in Hong Kong all calls person hot to slice expectation. According to Chinese tradition, each per family will gather head 1 in the evening in the joyful festival, after once having supper, then go to open air to appreciate a month and eat moon cake, the children will lift to apply color a colourful riotous decorative lantern in the bottom of the clean moonlight, happy play joy.This year, appreciate remaining of month, "E son year the meeting of the Mid-Autumn Cai light" done not to miss to hold on September 12-14, appreciate cultural performance program and Cai light exhibition of many Cais with many Zis, feel the noisy atmosphere of Mid-Autumn joyful festival. Are in addition located on the large special subject Cai light exhibition that nine dragon sea beaches in Hong Kong cultural center open-air square and west grow a gallery, open to visit for the citizen and the traveller from September 8 to October 12, let everyone feel a very thick traditional cultural color.

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