
2008-09-15 7:41 pm
It was not easy to find the words
for things that nightly hissed
as if his pillow was a hideaway for creepy - crawlies
the note sent to the girl he fancied
held high in mockery


回答 (1)

2008-09-20 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
暫未了解全部意思, 只可先就個別詞解釋:

hiss(ed) 可指蛇發出的嘶嘶聲, 也可解作觀眾的噓聲; nightly 是 night 的 adverb. things that nightly hissed 直譯可能是指 在晚間發出嘶嘶聲的動物. 全句可能是: 要找適當的字來形容這東西真不易.

as if, 就是用來比喻好似甚麼的意思, 必是一些 "虛假" 的處境, 例如 He talked as if he was the boss. 他說話時她像當自己是大老板般的語氣 (但他絕不是大老板).

he fancied ~ he loved

the note ... (be?) held high in mockery, 可能是想說, 那人喜歡她, 寫給她的文字, 值得重視嗎? 開玩笑吧?

2008-09-20 11:42:46 補充:
creepy crawlies, 似是用來指蛇之類的爬虫動物

2008-09-20 11:46:17 補充:
"似乎" 整體意思, 是指那女孩不喜歡那男子, 他的情書(?) 令她 "毛管動".

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