
2008-09-15 6:22 pm

2.She was dissatisfied with her salary.
做乜系was dissatisfied?


She was dissatisfied with her salary. 我系想問做乜was dissatisfied唔系is dissatisfied

回答 (3)

2008-09-15 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) was 係verb-to-be 其中一款, 佢係is 的過去式。
Past tense (過去式)
e.g. She was very happy. 她很開心。
Past Continuous tense (過去進行式)
e.g. She was doing her homework when the door bell rang yesterday.
昨日當門鈴響起的時候, 她正在做家課。
did 係助動詞 (auxiliary verb), 佢係要配合動詞一起使用。
1) 用於否定句 (有not 字的句子)
e.g. She did not finish her homework on time yesterday.
2) 用於問句
e.g. Mum: Did you finish your homework yesterday?
She was dissatisified with her salary.
satisfied (感到) 滿意 = satisfy (令…滿意) 的過去分詞的身份 (past participle, 即以下例子的第3個身份))
go (1) -> went (2) -> gone (3) -> going (4)
past participle 可用作形容詞 (其實, present participle (4) 亦可)
dis係prefix, 可加插在字的前端, 而將字義變成相反。
dis satisfied => dissatisfied 不滿意


2008-09-16 20:25:31 補充:
補充: 幾時用 was

另一個情況會用 was 係

當 main verb (這裏係 punish) 係用於被動型式 (同時又係過去式), 而 subject 係 he , she 或 it 其中一款

E.g. Last week, he WAS punished by his teacher.

2008-09-25 07:53:41 補充:
回應: solomanng1994

你問點解係She was dissatisfied with her salary. 而唔係 She is dissatisified ...

因為她對自己薪水不滿的情況己成過去, 即是現在已沒有此想法。

如果現在仍有此想法, 就應該用She is dissatisfied with her salary.
2008-09-15 6:58 pm
Was is the past tense for am and is.
If you want to say something using am or is in past tense , was will be the right verb.
For example , if you want to say " He is very nervous " in past tense (過去式) , then you should use " he WAS very nervous " because you have to change " is " to " was " .
Examples for was ,
1. I was nervous .
2. She was doing her exam.
3. He was at my house.

Did is the past tense for do , doing or does .
You just need to change do , doing or does to did , simple as that .
For example , if you want to change " he is doing his homework " to past tense , you should change " is doing " to " did " because " is doing " is present tense and " did " is past tense .

She was dissatisfied with her salary .
In this case , was will be the right verb , if we use did , it'll be really awkward . .
She did dissatisfied with her salary .
So , she was dissatisfied with her salary is the right one.
2008-09-15 6:47 pm
was 後面係noun or adj...
eg: i was unhappy because my mum asked me to do lots of housework.

而did 後面係verb黎架....
eg: i did not like playing computer games.
like 係一個verb黎..要用did...

但如果你當did 係do既past tense ..咁既用法又唔同架
eg: i did my homework last week.

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